{{- define "render_items" -}} {{- range $title, $item := . -}}
{{$item.Eval $.Ctx}}
{{template "render_items" $item.Items}}
{{- end -}} {{- end -}} Status

Status for buildkite-agent

⚠️ This page is intended only for debugging purposes!
Do not expect the structure and formatting of this page to be stable across versions.
Started at {{.StartTime}} ({{.StartTimeAgo}} ago)
Current time {{.CurrentTime}}
Version {{.Version}}, build {{.Build}}
Running in PID {{.PID}} as {{.Username}} on {{.Hostname}}
{{.RuntimeVer}} on {{.GOOS}}/{{.GOARCH}} compiled by {{.Compiler}}
{{.NumGoroutine}} goroutines running/{{.NumCPU}} logical CPUs usable
{{template "render_items" .Items}}