2024-03-15 13:27:09 +11:00

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// Package aurp implements types for encoding and decoding AppleTalk
// Update-Based Routing Protocol (AURP, RFC 1504) messages.
package aurp
import (
// DomainHeader represents the header used to encapsulate both AppleTalk data
// packets and AURP packets within UDP.
type DomainHeader struct {
DestinationDI DomainIdentifier
SourceDI DomainIdentifier
Version uint16 // Should always be 0x0001
PacketType uint16 // 2 = AppleTalk data packet, 3 = AURP packet
// Encode returns the encoded form of the header.
func (dh *DomainHeader) Encode() ([]byte, error) {
var b bytes.Buffer
ddi, err := dh.DestinationDI.Encode()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sdi, err := dh.SourceDI.Encode()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
binary.Write(&b, binary.BigEndian, dh.Version)
binary.Write(&b, binary.BigEndian, uint16(0x0000)) // Reserved
binary.Write(&b, binary.BigEndian, dh.PacketType)
return b.Bytes(), nil
// ParseDH parses a domain header, returning the DH and the remainder of the
// input slice.
func ParseDH(b []byte) (*DomainHeader, []byte, error) {
ddi, b, err := ParseDI(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, b, err
sdi, b, err := ParseDI(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, b, err
if len(b) < 6 { // sizeof(version + reserved + packettype)
return nil, b, fmt.Errorf("insufficient remaining input length %d < 6", len(b))
ver := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b[:2])
if ver != 1 {
return nil, b, fmt.Errorf("unknown version %d", ver)
// Note: b[2:4] (reserved field) is ignored
pt := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b[4:6])
if pt != 2 && pt != 3 {
return nil, b, fmt.Errorf("unknown packet type %d", pt)
b = b[6:]
return &DomainHeader{
DestinationDI: ddi,
SourceDI: sdi,
Version: ver,
PacketType: pt,
}, b, nil
// DomainIdentifier is the byte representation of a domain identifier.
type DomainIdentifier interface {
Encode() ([]byte, error)
// NullDI represents a null domain identifier.
type NullDI struct{}
// Encode returns the encoded form of the identifier.
func (NullDI) Encode() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte{0x01, 0x00}, nil
// IPDI represents an IP address in a domain identifier.
type IPDI net.IP
// Encode returns the encoded form of the identifier.
func (i IPDI) Encode() ([]byte, error) {
v4 := net.IP(i).To4()
if v4 == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("need v4 IP address, got %v", i)
return append([]byte{
0x07, // byte 1: length of the DI in bytes
0x01, // byte 2: authority: 1 = IP address
0x00, 0x00, // bytes 3, 4: distinguisher: reserved
}, v4...), // bytes 5-8: the IP address
// Authority represents the different possible authorities ("types") for domain
// identifiers.
type Authority byte
// Various authorities.
const (
// AuthorityNull is for null domain identifiers, suitable only when there is
// no need to distinguish the domains connected to a tunnel.
AuthorityNull Authority = iota
// AuthorityIP is for
// ParseDI parses a DI from the front of b, and returns the DI and the remainder
// of the input slice.
func ParseDI(b []byte) (DomainIdentifier, []byte, error) {
if len(b) < 2 {
return nil, b, fmt.Errorf("insufficient input length %d for domain identifier", len(b))
// Now we know there is a length byte and authority byte, see if there is
// that much more data
lf := int(b[0])
if len(b) < 1+lf {
return nil, b, fmt.Errorf("input length %d < 1+specified length %d in domain identifier", len(b), lf)
switch Authority(b[1]) {
case AuthorityNull:
// That's it, that's the whole DI.
return NullDI{}, b[2:], nil
case AuthorityIP:
if lf != 7 {
return nil, b, fmt.Errorf("incorrect length %d for IP domain identifier", lf)
return IPDI(b[5:8]), b[8:], nil
return nil, b, fmt.Errorf("unknown domain identifier authority %d", b[1])
// TrHeader represent an AURP-Tr packet header.
type TrHeader struct {
ConnectionID uint16
Sequence uint16 // Note: 65535 is succeeded by 1, not 0
// Header represents an AURP packet header.
type Header struct {
CommandCode CmdCode
Flags RoutingFlag
// CmdCode is the command code used in AURP packets.
type CmdCode uint16
// Various command codes.
const (
CmdCodeRIReq CmdCode = 0x0001
CmdCodeRIRsp CmdCode = 0x0002
CmdCodeRIAck CmdCode = 0x0003
CmdCodeRIUpd CmdCode = 0x0004
CmdCodeRD CmdCode = 0x0005
CmdCodeZoneReq CmdCode = 0x0006 // has subcodes
CmdCodeZoneRsp CmdCode = 0x0007 // has subcodes
CmdCodeOpenReq CmdCode = 0x0008
CmdCodeOpenRsp CmdCode = 0x0009
CmdCodeTickle CmdCode = 0x000e
CmdCodeTickleAck CmdCode = 0x000f
// CmdSubcode is used to distinguish types of zone request/response.
type CmdSubcode uint16
// Various subcodes.
const (
CmdSubcodeZoneInfo1 CmdSubcode = 0x0001
CmdSubcodeZoneInfo2 CmdSubcode = 0x0002 // only for responses
CmdSubcodeGetZonesNet CmdSubcode = 0x0003
CmdSubcodeGetDomainZoneList CmdSubcode = 0x0004
// RoutingFlag is used in the flags field
type RoutingFlag uint16
const (
// Open-Req and RI-Req
RoutingFlagSUINA RoutingFlag = 0x4000
RoutingFlagSUINDOrNRC RoutingFlag = 0x2000
RoutingFlagSUINDC RoutingFlag = 0x1000
RoutingFlagSUIZC RoutingFlag = 0x0800
// RI-Rsp and GDZL-Rsp
RoutingFlagLast RoutingFlag = 0x8000
// Open-Rsp
RoutingFlagRemappingActive RoutingFlag = 0x4000
RoutingFlagHopCountReduction RoutingFlag = 0x2000
RoutingFlagReservedEnv RoutingFlag = 0x1800
// RI-Ack
RoutingFlagSendZoneInfo RoutingFlag = 0x4000